I have always felt that Facebook creates this misconception in the viewers mind as to who the person really is inside. True it is a great way to stay in touch with friends lost in the transition from the easy life to real life, keep up on the latest gossip of who divorced who, find out what time Danny the Skeleton Horse starts their set, and what guys I have to take into the back ally to show in real life i'm not scared to go fist to cuff.. but it also gives you a free pass to the online world *dundundun* a world of virtual space which all in all is a space of nothing.. It is the difference between 2D and 3D. For me 3D is a Landscape of open fields, picket fences, vast mountains, wind blowing through trees, stars shooting across the sky etc. Two deee is looking through glass only to see color and misconception.. Alas! I sit and write not on paper but a page created for viewers no different from you or I, so we (Ashley and I (Scott)) have created this Blog to maybe give a little more insight as to who we really are inside rather than who we may appear to be. With that being written sit back enjoy the show grab some popcorn, maybe even a diet Coke and sink yourself deep into the lives of two souls very much in love. stay young.